Blog — Jewelry in Holliston

5 Healing Gemstones That Can Help You

Posted by Janine Design Admin on

5 Healing Gemstones That Can Help You

Everyone gets an ache or pain here and there but what if you could alleviate and help promote healing with a stone? Scientists are still studying stones and their effect on the human body. It is not proven yet if they definitely heal but they do have vibrations and energy. This energy could help.  I am not a doctor, so I wouldn't suggest using stones as a cure for your ailments. Use them in addition to what your doctor has ordered and and always listen to your doctor first!   1. Do you have a friend suffering from tennis elbow? She is...

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Article in Boston Globe was published today!

Posted by Janine Design Admin on

Article in Boston Globe was published today!

Check out the Sunday Globe today and you'll see an article about Janine's Jewelry Design! I was very excited to be interviewed by Cindy Cantrell. Here's the link:

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